I have been so fortunate in the last year; I have graduated with my Bachelors, scored a job right out of college (even if it's not necessarily associated with my major...), the majority of my immediat family finally migrated from the Midwest to the West Coast, I have traveled to Hawaii, Japan and Sydney and met some amazing people along the way. Sometimes you have to take a step back and remind yourself that life is pretty good.
I was very impressed with Australia. The country is very conscientious about the environment, very much like Japan is. Their cities are very clean, you rarely - if ever - see a homeless person (I never did in Sydney). The people are very gracious and very friendly. Australians, particularly, are very up-front and 'real'; you don't have to guess their sincerity. It's there. They're very laid-back and active, wonderful people. I would love to live there, at least for a year.
Anyways... more to come later. I have to be up in a few hours.